Friday, April 24, 2009

It should be more draining to be someone you aren't

Than to be someone YOU ARE. Key word is "should be." I could easily just sit there and be pretty and then mostly everyone would probably just leave me alone. I refuse to be just that. I want to be me, and that's a "dancing girl." I don't care where or what time of day it is, if I want to dance I will!

It is so draining sometimes getting the brunt of people's jokes, but at the same time, I mostly just ignore. It's funny that people would pay so much attention to me, yet I pay them no attention. I didn't know how much attention I attracted until I started doing this weekend routine of dancing in SoHo. People have come to know me there, and for all the new people that see me for the first time, are quick to judge. At the end of the day, people may laugh, but what matters most, is, who will have the last laugh. People from all over the world have come to visit New York, stopped in their tracks to record me dancing or take pictures of me. Just even that, I'm flattered. I wish that people would have just as much fun, or not feel so repressed that they can only sit there.

There are so many gorgeous women that come to the restaurant I dance in front of. Yes, they are amazingly beautiful and get VIP treatment, but I wouldn't ever trade who I am as a person to be them. I often times feel like the outsider looking in, because they refuse to give me service at this high-end restaurant, (I've never even disrespected or stepped on anyone's toes). I guess it is because I'm a "commoner." Commoner or poor as I may be, I'm still richer in passion and soul than any of those people that peer at me, watching me like a sideshow.


Free spirit does not = on cocaine

I'm that girl that dances in SoHo with headphones on. Many people ask me "why?" and my only response to them is "because I can." In the past, I found myself justifying myself to others by giving them a full on explanation about why I was dancing, then realized, YOU DON'T EVER HAVE TO EXPLAIN OR JUSTIFY YOURSELF to anyone. To be honest with you, I have A LOT of fun doing it. Besides, mp3 companies advertise people dancing with their headphones on, so why is it, that when people see me doing it, they think I'm on cocaine or that I must be on something that's why I can do it. FREE SPIRIT does not equal ON DRUGS. I'm sorry folks, but I won't ever do drugs nor do I ever plan on doing any. I want to be a role model for kids, to show them to not be afraid of just being themselves and have fun. To embrace being different. When those stories came out of bully suicides, I felt more empowered to get this message out. There are SO MANY people that talk about me and judge me. I've been bullied enough. From having water bottles and shoes thrown at me, to being dismissed by fancy restaurants because customers don't want me there (when I could just as easily be a customer myself, by sitting down and having something to eat!) Somebody called 911 on me recently because they thought I was on drugs for dancing with my headphones on. Now, I'm responsible for the ER bill and the ambulance bill. I'm so baffled by all of this, but I do know that it WON'T EVER STOP ME and my passion for dance.

You would think, that even with Susan Boyle, people would learn to not JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER. I've been ridiculed probably almost every time I've gone out to dance, not because I suck, but because people think I'm on something. I'M NOT. I've had parents come up to me, and tell me that their kids love me and look up to me. Do you think I would want to be the wrong role model for them? Kids see that I just have fun, and they usually end up being the only ones not afraid to get their dance on with me outside in broad daylight. We need to teach kids creativity and healthy self-expression, because they are our leaders of tomorrow.

As long as I know my boundaries, no one can ever stop me from dancing so as long as I have the ability to do so. I love music, and one day, I hope you find something that you will continuously defend your beliefs in. I'm not technically trained nor widely accepted in terms of style, but I do know that my passion far outweighs those of many. You can teach all that other jazz, but you can't TEACH PASSION. Dance feeds my soul. When people have taken the time to get to know me, they have found that I have a very sound head on my shoulders, I'm smart, fierce and VERY NORMAL. But if HAVING FUN means being crazy, then I choose that any day over boring. Besides, last I checked, everyone was taking pictures of me, and making bets about whether or not I was on something!